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NR4M wins WPX RTTY 2012

Well, guys, we did it!  We broke the existing North American record for the WPX RTTY contest in the multi-multi class, with a score of over 14 million points!  Not too shabby at all, and a job well done! Between the personal ‘chit-chats’ I’ve had and what I heard mentioned at the last meeting, there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm for more RTTY participation from ‘the Farm’. 

WAE DX Contest, CW

IARU HF Contest

IARU HF Contest - a 24 hour contest.

This year guest operator is Sandu YO3ND, a good friend of Chip N2YO.

Rules at

Rappahanock chapter meeting at the Goat Farm

The meeting was more or less called to order around 10:30 with Ken K4ZW
officiating. There was no business to discuss so we went right to
individuals discussing their recent activities. In addition to many regulars
in attendance Steve NY3A and Fred K3ZO joined us.

W4IM John - Has been slowly rebuilding his shack. Meanwhile he's been
operating from NI4VA in Caroline Cty VA. John was also active with the
Fredericksburg club K4TS from Curtis Park in Stafford County for field day.

NR4M wins M2 NA CQWW 2010 RTTY!

NR4M wins M2 NA CQWW 2010 RTTY!

Operators were K3NC, K4EC, K4GM, K4ZW, K7SV, N3ZV, NR4M.

Article from CQ Magazine

CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2012)

Another terrific CQWPX CW has come and gone. It's going to be hard to beat this one. First we had four new folks operating with us. Aurelio PC5A and Frank ON9CC included a stay with us after Dayton. Hans PB2T/NB2T who is in the area on temporary assignment stopped by on Sunday. And last, but certainly not least, Pete N4ZR spent the weekend. Then, we can talk about conditions, but I think it's all been pretty well said. Ten could have been a bit better, but that probably would have been at the expense of 80 and maybe 160.

CQ WW WPX CW Contest

The contest rules can be found here:

Russian DX Contest (2012)

Between logger problems and condx it was an interesting weekend. Despite Murphy's best efforts, we did have some fun. As noted by others it was primarily a 40/20 meter contest. There are 24 Qs, a couple of oblasts and possibly a few more DX mults not included in this summary.

NR4M won USA M/M in CQWW WPX CW 2011

NR4M (15,071 mil) won the USA M/M beating NQ4I (13.415 mil) by almost 2 mil points.


To quote Charles Dickens, "the best of times the worst of times".
As always we enjoyed great camaraderie with great friends at the Goat Farm
during the weekend, but some had more fun than others while playing radio!
In addition to the regular crew, Jack W0UCE and Dan N3ND graced us with
their presence during the weekend. It's always great to have new folks show
up, especially characters such as these coming from NC and SC!


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